
Monday, February 11th, 2008 at 01:29 AM

Troubled with life? Too much stress? Forget your worries with this Tiny Planet of Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany. The castle was Built around 1750 for Frederick the Great, and was designed by Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff. This is the main attraction of the larger Sanssouci Park, from which you’ll find many other planets on this site. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of space between these planets, and you’ll probably enjoy the company from time to time. Tours are offered periodically throughout the day in both German and English. This is really a great selling point for this Tiny Planet as any visitors you might receive will be able to get a professionally guided tour of your planet. There’s a small gift shop within the Palace that will help to generate a bit of income to help keep you worry free. By the way, “Sans souci” is French and translates to something like “without worries”. To see exactly where this planet is located, take a look at the google map below.

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